Saturday, August 15, 2009

piccies - part 1

continuation from my previous blog photo entries (:
maison + masy's birthday party

C mui organised this clubbing trip! Thanks so much! Our very rare, once in the blue moon clubbing session. Hehe.. Normally, I would not take maison as my 1st choice of club due to horrible experiences there BUT now it's actually really nice! not so many small kids shuffling everywhere and bumping into you and not as crowded as before. Only thing that I can complain about is the bunch of afro hair dudes dancing on the podium. YUCK man. Leave the podium for the hot babes! *drools* For the 1st time in my life, I stayed there until the club closed (: Never the less, it was a great time spent with my girlfriends (+pei who came down from singapore *hugs* and tan whom I rarely see ^^)

Masy invited C mui, Aya & I to his birthday party as the judges for the costumes. The food was awesome! KDU culinary students :P The funny part was that everyone wasn't ready for their presentation on the stage so they needed about an hour more. Then since the house was getting stuffy, we 3 girls went out to the CC and played L4D. Hahaha it was EPIC! The amount of stares and whistles we got.

part 2 will be pictures of my hong kong trip + graduation (:
stay tuned!

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