Friday, April 17, 2009

Photoshoot & Update

Last Friday, I went over to IACT (kor's ex college) to meet up with my very old friend, Li Her. I was her model for her photography assignment. Although I didn't get paid for this photo shoot or anything, I really don't mind. It was nice to see her again (:

Her classmate which was her partner, adriana was very nice and the pretty dress in the photos is hers. Sadly, the dress kept falling down because my boobs are way smaller then hers -.- She's so damn hot! My make up and hair was also done by her.

It was their 1st studio photoshoot but don't you think the photos still came up great?

Anyways, lately I'm been drowning myself with things to do. I know its wrong and I should really face my problems. But everything I think about it i start to break down and cry. I don't think I'll ever be able to let go of my little baby, Junior. I hope he comes back soon.

I've been doing a freelance for an event management company who supplies projectors, equipments and talents. It is still on going. The pay is really good for me but according to some people in the industry, it's kinda low. Sorry, I didn't mean to spoil the market T_T

Anyways, college is over for me now. Tuesday night was the exhibition opening night, the one we've been planning for like forever. The response was really good. After the exhibition, I got two jobs offers. But I haven't replied them yet because I'm not really sure what I want to do. Both the jobs are graphic design jobs and not really advertising which is my passion. I love coming up with campaigns. But I'm not so sure if now's the time to be choosy as the market for "us" is kinda bad. I definitely am not going to further my studies. So that's not an opinion!

What should I do? ):


Jun Yue said...

Just go where the heart leads you~
Don't think too much of what's going to happen if you would to take this or that path. Just follow your heart!

No one will know what will happen tomorrow, so be brave!

I'm sure junior wants you to be happy too so be strong girl! I know you are much greater then you thought, so All the best and follow your dream and passion~!

loads of xoxo

fernfern said...

Thanks jun mei, I really appreciate the encouragement. There are just some times in life when you'll feel so helpless and lost.

I will be strong for myself and him.


Alpha Lim said...

Don't grasp too tightly - just strong enough :).
The job belongs to you, not the other way round. So don't be afraid to try something out. Most decisions are not irreversible ;).

Enjoy the ride...

fernfern said...

thanks dad for the support! will just go and try it out! just worried about change (: the job seems nice with nice people and nice working environment!