Friday, October 31, 2008

Our song

Yesterday, as I was driving to class, I turned on the radio and usually it's playing the same CD I listen to everyday, Hillsongs :P

But it was on radio, and our song came up. I can still remember how much I could relate to song as if everyone was against us. Anyways, back to the story!! Just as I tuned in. Akon's Nobody Wants To See Us Together. How ironic. Haha.

Anyways, I was walking with my babies in the evening yesterday, and there was this kangaroo courier service van that drove passed me and there was two guys in it. The passenger seat guy tried to get my attention but i ignored, then as the drove off, the driver showed his middle finger to me -.- seriously, how charming are Malaysian guys. I only met let's see...... about 2 gentlemen in my life? around there la! I doubt they're anymore!

Had dinner at pizza hut in Subang Parade with Daddy yesterday. Shared a medium tom yam crunchy crust pizza *drools* and then had spaghetti each. Not bad. The waitress kept speaking English to us but she was struggling so I spoke in Malay then she was stunned and said, "oh, awak bukan orang jepun ka? Saya ingat awak tak boleh cakap BM." haha. Should had done my Starbucks Japanese impersonation stunt again but C Mui my partner in crime wasn't there to pull it off with me la :P

Same thing happened at the fish spa. They keep asking if I'm Japanese. I kept telling them I'm chinese. I don't know it its a good thing. Quite pissed at them for killing the whales and dolphins T_T

Anyways, gotta study for my dreamweaver class later. Chong's going to call up people randomly and ask them to demonstrate whatever questions he ask. I hope I don't get called ): I'm seriously a real noob in dreamweaver!

Signing off with another random picture of mine :P

p.s. My online shopping spree kimono inspired top, green floral tube and pink dress has arrived :P *drools*


Jun Yue said...

hey fern~! it's jun mei here!!!
anyway don't bother bout those rude guys... and even if you look like a jap it's not a bad thing too ^.^ you can pull off some tricks like when you wanna ignore those salesman who tries to speak to you in mandrin.. you can ignore them ^.^ take care~*

fernfern said...

hi jun mei!! :D

hehe yup! ignoring them is a good idea! Just wish they don't have to be so rude T_T hehe have done that before with my fren C Mui in starbucks. I pretended I couldn't speak English. ahhh it was so funny but mean at the same time! Ah well, I managed to pull it off :P take care too! I've linked ya! *hugs*

Tracy said...

we should go on a pepper spray rampage!
oh and if any tracyclones come after you yelling about whales and dolphins youll no why:P

fernfern said...

haha yea wei! too bad I was alone with my "bravehearts! So i wouldn't dare.

so meannn!! I didn't kill them T_T